Rundgang Funkenburg

Inspection of the Funkenburg

Climbing up the little hill, coming from the street you look straight to a massive ancient Germanic defence construction. Every visitor gets the same impression at the beginning of the inspection as every invader would have got in those days, when he saw these huge wooden constructions. A big moat, behind the ramparts with wooden palisades on the top of them show the wellfortified charcter of the ancient Germans who used to live here. The stakes, high, thick and sharp on the top unbrokenly surround the entire main castle. To get in you only can take the way through the forecourt with its big door made from wooden stakes. Behind this forecourt the watch-tower was located, the so-called gate-tower. From this place the Germans had an excellent view to all sides. The gate-tower borders the forecourt to the main castle. It gave a good possibility for the Germans to defend this entrance.
The entrance leads to the interior of the fortress.

Inside the castle

When you enter the gate, you should rest a short time to have the first look at the interior area.
2000 years ago you could have seen how the Germans really lived here,
our ancestors, the ancient Germans. This is shown by objects inside the castle which were reconstructed due to present archaeological finds.

The Stakehouse

It was in the centre of the castle and it was very important because it was the seat of the chieftain of the Germans who lived there. Inside the Stakehouse, which is called ”Longhouse“, and on the big square in front of the house were public meetings and discussions of were held. It is possible that there were the law court and the place of rituals, too. After big meetings the Stakehouse could have been a nightshelter for the people.

The residential buildings

That is were the daily life of the families took place. The residential buildings served as an accomodation for the followers of the ”Graugrafen“ . One house offered room for ca. 8 to 10 people. As those ancient Germans didn´t know about stone building, they only used materials, they found in the surrounding. These conditions influenced the typical constructions of the German defence settlement.

The storage of food

The proper keeping storage and storage of supplies, especially food, was important for living.
The food had been stored separately from the residential buildings.
For this purpose a round house was built. A special warehouse on stakes served a grain-store.
The formation of the store-building was that way that sour food, dried corn fruits and vegetables could be kept.
The grain store had to be that way that corn could be kept dry and the rodents can not reach them.

The Lawnroof House

Its method of building could be an example for present-day roof-designing.
The roof is covered with pieces of grass, regenerates itsself and offers an excellent sealing against rain. Insulting is excellent too in all seasons. In making such constructions the ancient Germans did a real masterpiece.
In the different resitential houses the daily stove-fires had a positive effect on the good conservation of the used materials. It may seem unhealthy for us today, but also clothes and stored food inside the houses was preserved this way.

The oven

- thought over and always be usable

Meanwhile several of the ovens have been carefully restored, true to the origin. They work perfectly.
What was baken in those days with them?
For example our well known flatcake. Of course, you can say more about the diet of the ancient Germans and say more about the event of the annual Funkenburg-Festival where typical meals can be tasted, perhaps an "Ancient Germanic cookery book" can be bought.
Did our ancestors eat more healthy?
What did they plant?
How did the harvest processed?
You get also an answer to this questions in the open air museum at the Funkenburg. Because it is most interesting on the spot.
In the same way many pupils and adults helped to purposefully reconstruct and this magnificent museum on historical ancient Germanic ground so committed helpers take part in looking after, presevation and the further decorating of the museum. Presenting for this the association “Verein Funkenburg Westgreußen e. V.“ should be named!